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Спортивные бальные танцы, конкурсы и выступления
Михаэль Лернер и Марика Одикадзе
Бальные танцы для детей
Конкурс спортивных Бальных танцев
Школы и клубы Бальных танцев
Бальные танцы пластика и растяжка
Школа бальных танцев
Постановка бального танца для свадьбы
Одежда для бальных танцев, обувь и платья
Спортивные бальные танцы в анонсах
ОпросыВаше отношение к Бальным танцам
ASHDOD OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2011Website of compations: http://www.dancero.co.il/ashdod-openProgram
December 10 , 2011 | December 11 , 2011 |
• WDSF International Open Latin | • WDSF Youth Open Standard |
• WDSF Youth Open Latin | • WDSF Junior II Open Latin |
• WDSF Junior II Open Standard | • WDSF Junior I Open Latin |
• WDSF Junior I Open Standard | • WDSF Juvenile II Open Standard |
• WDSF Juvenile II Open Latin | • WDSF PD World Championship 2011 |
• WDSF PD World Cup 2011 Standard |
South American Show Dance |
Hakiria Sport Hall, City Quarter, 90 Haatzmaut Street, Ashdod, Israel.
The preliminary rounds will start at 11:00; the semifinals will start at 19:00. The schedule is a subject to change.
Please send us the entries not later, than November 26, 2011. For online registration use the
link : http://www.dancero.co.il/ashdod-open/entry.php
Entry fee EURO 40 per couple for one program.
WDSF competitions rules applied.
The official hotel is the Dan Gardens - Ashqelon. The Hotel is located in a distance of 22km from the competition’s venue, 60 km from the International airport Ben Gurion in Tel Aviv. Couples and accompanying people should make their hotel reservation until November 10th, 2010 through the organizer. In case of later reservation the Organizer does not guarantee the same room rates and hotel. The price of single room is USD $ 105, double room – USD $ 125, triple room – USD $ 150.
Organizers will provide all the couples and acompanying people with transport from the Airport to the Hotel and back, as well as from the Hotel to the competition’s venue and back.
Price :
1. For adjudicators and two professional couples nominated by National Federation the transportation is free.
2. Competitors for the other competitions and acompanying people – EURO 60 per person.
Panel of Top International adjudicators from more than 10 different nationalities.
Professionals :
For two couples from each country nominated by National Federations participates in WDSF PD World Cup Standard-2011 and WDSF PD World Championship-2011 South American Show the organizer will pay two- nights Hotel with breakfast, and CHF 100 travel reimbursement.
For nominated couples takes part in both competitions the organizer will pay three- nights Hotel with breakfast.
Amateurs :
- In accordance with the WDSF Competition Rule 8 no travel expenses and no hotel costs will be reimbursed to the participating couples. Entry fee will be 40 EURO per couple, per program.
WDSF PD , WDSF, Israel Dance Sport Association, Tsisaphers Dance Sport Academy, Municipality Of Ashdod, Boris and Rozanna Odikadze.
For issuing Israeli entry visa each coming person must send a scanned copy of passport, name of the suitable town in your country with Israeli consulate to get VISA and address of occupation office until November 10, 2011 to the following e-mail: odikadze@zahav.net.il
and copy to: b.odikadze@gmail.com.
All visa expenses in Israeli Embassy or Consulate must be paid by competitors and accompanying people respectively.
Boris Odikadze
Chairman of Organizing Committee,
President of Israel Dance Sport Association.
Mobile : +972 54 6602 554
Phone/fax : +972 88 644 374
E-mail : odikadze@zahav.net.il
Администратор сайта
Мария Лернер - 050-6617465
уроки бальных танцев в Израиле
Лучше выбрать Ваш бальный свадебный танец самостоятельно, ведь никто не знает Вас лучше, чем Вы сами
У разных производителей мужской обуви для бальных танцев существуют и свои дополнительные секретные приемы
Дополнительные факторы, играющие роль при выборе свадебного бального танца
Сегодня по спортивным бальным танцам проводится огромное количество соревнований во всем Мире
Немного о психологии во время конкурса по Бальным танцам. Инструкция
Администратор сайта, Мария Лернер, тел: 050-6617465, E-mail: marialerner1@gmail.com, уроки бальных танцев в Израиле , авторские права защищены